The following terms and conditions apply to all parents or guardians of any child attending swimming lessons organised by BAILIEBOROUGH SWIM SCHOOL. Please ensure you have read and understand the following and please keep a copy for your records:
Accepting our terms and conditions
- By booking a swimming lesson for your child with us, you accept these terms and conditions and they will form a binding contract between us.
- You will ensure that your child or any other children you bring to the swimming pool will follow the general swimming pool rules.
- We reserve the right to edit where necessary, our terms and conditions and will give you adequate notice.
Swimming Lessons
- All non-member children are permitted in the pool for the duration of their BAILIEBOROUGH SWIM SCHOOL lessons only and there is no access to any pool area after this time.
- Children must be 3yrs of age to enter the first stage (TADPOLE) and must be either 4yrs old or have passed TADPOLE to enter the next stage – LEVEL 1.
- As a member you must inform your child’s teacher if they are staying in the pool after their lesson. You must be present, and your child must always be supervised by you, if child is under 8yrs old.
3.1. No discount applies to members for Swim School or Intensive lessons
- BAILIEBOROUGH SWIM SCHOOL has two group swimming lesson types as follows:
- (A) Weekly lessons, which can be purchased in 8 swim sessions/credits with continuous assessment. Each lesson will take place on the same day, at the same time every week for the duration of your credits. When your credit runs out, your child is kicked off the system and no longer on the teachers register. Therefore it is important and your responsibility to top up our swim sessions either via your HOME-PORTAL or at reception.
- (B) Intensive swim lessons of 5 days over a school holiday period. Each lesson on our Intensive course is at the same time every day for 5 consecutive days. All lessons will start on time at the agreed start time. If your child arrives late for the scheduled lesson, we regret that we cannot extend your lesson time and it will finish at the scheduled end time.
- We do not guarantee the same teacher each week but we will endeavour to keep continuity of teachers subject to illness, staff availability and other unforeseeable activities.
**Please Note:
Bailieborough Swim School swim instructors will assess each child accordingly and ensure that each child is placed into a level that is suitable for their ability. Bailieborough Swim School swim instructors may add additional activities into each separate level to ensure the highest possible standard within the lesson. Parents must view from the Pool Viewing Area. They cannot sit on pool deck & Prams and Buggies are not permitted on pool deck either. Strictly NO phones, cameras or electronic devices on poolside or being used to take pictures or film in the viewing gallery.
Private Swim Lesson
- Private lessons are done on a 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 etc basis and are either 30mins for 1:1 or 45 mins in duration. These lessons are individual bookings and are on a first come first served basis.
- no refunds on private lessons for – no shows or cancellations less than 24hrs in advance.
- Private lesson balances can not be used for Swim School and visa versa.
Registration and Contacting Us
1.Registering for a course of lessons will be done on a first come first served basis. Lessons are assessed on a continuous basis and you will be contacted via email to notify if your child is ready to move up a level. If you are not registered for HOME-PORTAL you will be contacted by the swim coordinator to inform you of your child’s progress and movement or you can ask at reception for updates. Badges/certificates can be issued once your child has completed each compentancy in the level. Ask at reception. At this stage if space exists in a level, time and day that suits you, lesson can be booked and more credits purchased if needed.
Child attends the day and time; the teacher register is updated automatically.
- If you are contacting us by phone, please call us on (042) 96 66644 and by email at, swim coordinator Helen McQuade
- The fee for lesson(s) will be confirmed to you at the time of booking. You are required to pay for the 8 swim sessions even if your child misses a lesson for any reason.
- Weekly Lessons / 8 sessions = €55 Tadpole to Level 7 (30mins)
- €55 Level 8 (45mins) or €58 for Level 9 (60mins)
- Intensive Lessons = €65, 1 hour per day for 5 days
- Payment must be made in full. No exceptions will be made.
Illness and Medical Conditions
- If your child is ill, you are required to contact us by phone or email so that we can inform the teacher that your child will not be attending their scheduled lesson.
- We regret that we do not provide refunds or credits for absence from booked lessons due to illness, regardless of the number of lessons missed. However, if your child suffers a serious illness, which affects him or her for more than 4 weeks (such as broken bones or any condition that requires hospitalisation and/or medical attention) then we may offer you credit for all lessons missed if you inform us no less than 48 hours before the first lesson to be missed.
- You are also required to inform us by email or by phone, all medical conditions affecting your child, regardless of severity.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that you or your child is medically fit to swim. We will not be liable for any accidents or injuries arising from swimming with us that relate to your child’s individual medical condition(s).
Requests to make changes to lesson time, day or requests for credits
- You will not have the right to change the day, time, venue for your child’s lessons for any reason once started. We may at our discretion choose to allow you to do so if we feel that it is a reasonable request.
- If your child refuses to get into the water or you decide you no longer want your child to attend the course, we regret we cannot give refunds. However, we can discuss the possibility of credit for another term in this case.
- If there is a time during a block that you are dissatisfied with a BAILIEBOROUGH SWIM SCHOOL teacher, you are required to inform us immediately either by telephone or email and allow us the opportunity to resolve the issue. We will work with you to find the best solution for all parties.
- Credits for unused lessons may be transferred for other BAILIEBOROUGH SWIM SCHOOL activities such as Intensive or another block of lessons. If we agree to give you a credit for unused lessons a credit note will be issued to you on the system, which must be used when booking & will have an expiry date of 6 months.
Cancellation by you
1.If you cancel a single lesson, term of lessons or Intensive course, after you have paid for it, we are not be obliged to provide you with any credit or refund.
Cancellation by us
- If we determine that there is insufficient support for a class, we have the right to cancel, suspend or postpone the class before the date of the first lesson. We will give you as much notice as possible of any such cancellation and we will provide you with a full refund of your term/camp fee if no suitable alternative is found.
- We will make every effort not to cancel lessons once a block has started but on rare occasions pool closure or other unforeseen circumstances may force us to do so.
We will give you as much notice as possible of any such cancellation.
In this event we will offer you a substitute lesson on a date designated by us. If you notify us that you are unable to attend the substitute lesson in advance of the date scheduled for the substitute lesson, then you will receive a credit for the cancelled lesson. This credit may be offset against your fees for a subsequent block or course. If you do not accept the substitute lesson or do not wish to re-book for a subsequent course, we are not obliged to provide a refund.
Parental responsibilities
- You are responsible for any children you bring with you into any part of the swimming pool venue including the changing area.
- You must ensure that children are fully toilet-trained before we can accept them as students.
- You must not leave the premises whilst your child is in the pool for the duration of their lesson.
- Children are not the responsibility of BAILIEBOROUGH SWIM SCHOOL teachers until the child enters the swimming pool at the start of a lesson.
- During lessons please do not interrupt or distract the teacher or pupils on poolside, unless it is a matter of health and safety.
- You must keep children who are not swimming under your supervision at all times while in the leisure centre.
- We regret that you are not permitted to take photos or video recordings or any other type of recording of any children within the leisure centre.